
Author: Delgado, Rhoda B.
Date: May 2014

The study ascertains the birthing preferences of Yakan women in Basilan, particularly the place of delivery and the choice of birth attendant. It also describes the Yakan’s preferred customary practices in giving birth. Utilizing a descriptive research design, data were obtained from 53 Yakan married women using a questionnaire, in-depth interview with two pandeys and 29 participants in a focus group discussion. Survey results showed that the most preferred place to deliver is the home (90.57%), with the following justifications: economic reasons, privacy and other personal reasons, the pandey’s hospitality and traditional practices. Survey also showed that the most preferred birth attendant is the pandey (73.58%). The FGD revealed the reasons as to why the pandey is most preferred. The following reasons were given: the pandey visits the Yakan mother several times at home, does not leave the mother during labor, performs customary practices, would even wash soiled clothes and would offer special traditional prayer or “tawal-tawal.” It was learned that the birthing procedures of pandeys or TBAs from the preparation for delivery, during delivery and in the immediate care of the baby and of the mother were mostly consistent with the prescribed practice of the DOH-ARMM. However, there are areas that need the advocacy of the department on procedures not being practiced. The feasibility of integrating certain practices in the birthing process in the health facilities should be studied. Some of these include the traditional rituals such as tawal-tawal, washing the perineum with traditional concoctions, serving traditional food or soup such as loho imbaw prepared and served by the husband and requiring the presence of the husband during labor. Taking into consideration the other reasons for preference to home birth, adoption of these practices would greatly enhance patronage of facility-based deliveries by making delivery practices culturally sensitive and responsive to the needs of the community. Similar studies should be done to validate the findings of this research.

Keyword: Birth Deliveries

Research Catalogue by Genner R Cerna
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