This is a pre- and post-interventional study that utilized Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) to address Open Defecation (OD) in Barangay Molos, Tampilisan, Zamboanga del Norte. This study aimed to determine whether CLTS will lead to Open Defecation Free (ODF) after 8 months of its implementation. Three of the four phases of CLTS were implemented in the barangay from October 2017 to May 2018. The phases implemented included: (1) Pre-Triggering, (2) Triggering and (3) Post-Triggering. Out of 190 households surveyed, 36 families were identified to be without a sanitary toilet. These 36 households were included in the study. Seventeen (17) of the 36 households admitted to the practice of open defecation, while 13 shared a sanitary toilet with a neighbor and 6 used the antipolo type. At the end of the intervention, 33 completed the study. Out of the 33, there were 30 (91%) households who were able to build their sanitary toilet. Of the 3 remaining households without sanitary toilet; 2 still use the antipolo type of toilet and only 1 still practiced open defecation. Two reasons cited for not building a sanitary toilet include financial constraint and busy working schedules. In conclusion, although there was a significant decrease in the practice of open defecation, the results still fall short of the CLTS goal of a 100% Open Defecation Free community.
Keyword: Open defecation Free Community Total Sanitaion Program |