This paper aimed to distinguish the relationship of psycho-emotional trauma on children in terms of inter parental violence, dysfunctional family and poverty resulting to robbery or theft, substance use- related offenses and assault and their children’s future aspirations. The study was conducted in the Regional Rehabilitation Center for the Youth (RRCY) in Zamboanga del Norte and the Zamboanga City Jail which houses children who have received sanctions due to property-related offenses and other type of offenses prohibited by law and those who experienced emotional, psychological or economic abuse. These children are undergoing rehabilitation or reformative programs of which they have to comply prior to release. A total of 45 respondents voluntarily participated in the study. Selection of the respondents was based on the set criteria. A 6-page researcher-administered questionnaire was given to gather the necessary information. A key informant interview was conducted as well as the retrieval of secondary data from various agencies involved in the children in conflict with the law program and the use of case stories for supplemental information. Analysis of the data was done through descriptive statistics and the use of nonparametric tests of Chi-square and Cramer’s V to test for association. The study revealed that the quantitative data did not show direct significant connection between the three independent variables on the type of offenses these children have committed. However, the study was able to profile 16 (35.6 percent) respondents with positive claim to inter parental violence, 17 (37.8 percent) respondents claimed to belong in a highly functional family, while 24 (53.33 percent) respondents and 4 (8.89 percent) respondents claimed to belong in a moderate and severely dysfunctional family, respectively. Seventeen (37 percent) of the respondents also revealed 16.5-23.8 percent poverty likelihood. The general mean score of the respondents in terms of future aspiration was high at 3.444. The supplemental tool determining the strengths and difficulties of children revealed 6 (13 percent) respondents with conduct problems and 8(18 percent) respondents with peer problems. Thus, the study accepts the null hypothesis stating that psycho-emotional trauma described in the study is not related to the psychosocial changes of children in conflict with the law. Further investigation involving other moderating variables would be necessary to test for significant factors contributing to direct association of variables.
Keyword: Psycho-emotional trauma Psychosocial changes Children |