This study compared the performances of health programs of the municipalities with a non-ADZU-SOM Municipal Health Officer, ADZU-SOM MHO and ADZU-SOM graduate MHO with medical students. It utilized a cross-sectional research design on the performance indicators such as TB Case Detection Rate, TB Cure Rate, Contraceptive Prevalence Rate for Modern Family Planning Methods, Percentage of Fully Immunized Child, , Prevalence of Underweight 0-59months old Children and Percentage of Facility-based Deliveries from 2012 to 2015. Time series analysis was used to determine and compare the health programs’ performances of the selected municipalities. The respondents were recent mothers with children below 5 years old. Purposive sampling was used. Descriptive statistics determined and compared the maternal health practices of respondents. The results showed that the municipality with ADZU-SOM MHO achieved the following color-coded health performance indicators: Green – 8, Yellow – 6 and red – 1. The municipality with a non-ADZU-SOM graduate MHO has the following results: Green – 8, Yellow – 3 and Red – 4 while the municipality with ADZU-SOM graduate MHO and medical students has the following: Green -7, Yellow – 5 and Red – 3. Green means performance has reached the national objectives for health (NOH) targets; Yellow means performance has reached the national average but not the NOH targets; Red means performance is below the national average. Moreover, the results on the maternal health practices showed that BHW’s in the municipality with ADZU-SOM MHO are engaged more in conducting health education with rate of 79%. They approach their BHWs and Midwives for health advices more as compared to the mothers in the municipality with Non-ADZU-SOM MHO with rates of 83% and 59%. Majority of the respondents in the three municipalities availed of the prenatal services in the Barangay Health Stations with a mean of 95.3%. About 94% respondents in the municipality with ADZU-SOM MHO Lim have completed the prenatal check-ups. They are more aware of the importance of initial prenatal check-up during pregnancy with a rate of 90%. The respondents in the municipality with ADZU-SOM MHO and medical students have availed postpartum care with a rate of 84%. They have also practiced more on facility-based deliveries with rate of 94%. Therefore, the study concludes that the health programs’ performances and maternal health practices of municipalities with ADZU-SOM MHO and ADZU-SOM with students are better in comparison to the municipality with Non-ADZU-SOM MHO. The results further suggest that the presence of ADZU-SOM has contributed to a better health performance.
Keyword: Health programs performances and maternal practices Non-ADZU SOM |