Poor self has shown to affect the emotional, social and psychological well-being of an individual, and may lead to a poor health outcome for those diagnosed with chronic diseases. Among those diagnosed with chronic disease, PLHIVs have shown to have poor self-image. With this, the present study aimed to determine the self-image of people living with HIV by looking into its domain of perceived physical appearance, biologic sex, medical condition, physical capacity, social roles, disposition and aspiration. It utilized a qualitative research design and a semi-structure interview was employed to gather data. Two modes of interview was used in the study – personal and telephone interview. All of the interviews were audio-recorded. The present study was able to recruit 8 participants via non-probability sampling technique. These participants voluntarily consented in taking part in the present study. Each interview were transcribed and translated to English by the researcher. The transcribed version of each interview were subjected to thematic analysis. Several themes ermerged from the transcripts and were group beneath the domain they corresponded to.The findings under the perceived physical appearance showed that the some participants have a new reason for keeping themselves presentable. Their physical capacity was affected by the untoward response to the medication. While, their aspiration involves them to achieve autonomy and economic productivity. Under the domain of disposition, the some of participants conveyed positive attitude about their condition. They found their new purpose in life was to help their fellow PLHIV. The study provided insight on the acceptance of PLHIV on themselves and factors that affects the social roles of PLHIV.
Keyword: Self-image of people living with HIV |