Social networking has been successfully used in various corporate business ventures but its application to disseminate health information or even promote new health strategies in the community has not been fully investigated. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of Social Networking as a method of water disinfection promotion through Solar Disinfection (SODIS) among households in Barangay Bella, Alicia, Zamboanga Sibugay. Specifically, this study aimed to determine the methods of water disinfection among households prior to, and one and two months after the intervention and to determine the factors affecting Social Networking as a method of promoting SODIS. All 245 households in the barangay were qualified in this study with 1 representative of each household as respondent. Research instruments in the form of questionnaires were utilized before and after the intervention. The intervention consisted of a lecture and demonstration regarding SODIS, and Social Networking which employed a Forced Matrix Compensation Plan with grocery items and raffle tickets as compensation. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the outcome of the study. Results showed a high participation rate among households, with 174 households (71.02%) of the 245 total households that participated in Social Networking, of which 155 (89.09%) utilized SODIS. At one month follow up, there were still 77 (44.25%) households still utilizing SODIS and the number increased to 96 (55.17%) households at two-month follow up. This study concludes that Social Networking is effective in the utilization of water disinfection of households in the community. From 0 households at pre-intervention phase, 96 (39.18%) of the total households at the end of the study were utilizing SODIS.
Keyword: social networking water disinfection Solar disinfection SODIS Alicia zamboanga Sibugay Province |