Hypertension, a chronic disease of lifestyle, is fast becoming prevalent in the community. Majority of them do not even know that they are hypertensive. While this illness is highly preventable through lifestyle change, delivering this information to the community is a challenge. This study aimed to determine the effect of video health information advisory on the knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding hypertension control and prevention among the residents of Barangay Camul, Tampilisan, Zamboanga Del Norte. Using a pre-post interventional design. There were 70 hypertensive respondents included in the study with a mean age of 38 years old, oldest was 91 years old, and the youngest 36 years old. Data was gathered through a self-administered survey questionnaire. Results showed a P-value of 0.000* which is significant and sustained improvement in the knowledge from post-intervention 1 to post intervention 3. In regards to attitude, majority of the respondents significantly improved with the p-value of 0.000* immediately after the intervention as shown by the positive ranks. However, there was a regression noted when post-intervention series were compared showing more number of respondents whose attitude worsened one month or two months after the intervention. In the same way, the practices were noted to be correct immediately after the intervention but deteriorated one month or two months after the intervention. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the intervention was effective in improving the knowledge, attitude, and practices of the respondents but it failed to sustain the adoption of positive attitude and correct practices just a few months after the intervention. This study recommends that the video advisory be repeatedly done every 2-3 months followed by regular interactive discussion to address any decay in knowledge, attitude, and practices.
Keyword: prevention health information control hypertension tampilisan zamboanga del norte |