This study was designed to determine the effectiveness of lecture based on
Healthcare Waste Management Manual in improving the waste management practices
among LGU-owned hospitals in Zamboanga Sibugay Province. Three LGU-owned
hospitals and 46 respondents participated in this study. Data were gathered through
survey using 3 interviewer-administered questionnaires (hospital waste manager,
orderlies/waste handlers, and nurses) and an observational checklist. Frequencies for
hospital waste managers, orderlies/waste handlers, and nurses were used to determine
hospital waste management practices before and 1 month after the intervention. On the
other hand, one-way ANOVA was used to compare overall hospital waste management
practices, a month after, and 2 months after intervention. Results generated from waste
managers, orderlies/waste handlers and nurses generally revealed an increase in the
percentage of respondents answering acceptable practices. A few items did not change
but rather sustained a positive response. In addition, no item revealed a deviation to the
unacceptable practice after the intervention. The overall hospital waste management
practices assessed using the observational checklist revealed that there was a significant
improvement in the practices of LGU-owned hospitals not only a month but even 2
months after the intervention. With a p-value of 0.00, the null hypothesis is therefore
rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted which states that the lecture based on
Healthcare Waste Management Manual is effective in improving the waste management
practices of LGU-owned hospitals in Zamboanga Sibugay Province.
Keyword: healthcare waste management hospital waste management diplahan |