This is a quasi-experimental study aimed to determine the effectiveness of couple
counseling with birth plan versus birth plan alone on the utilization of facility based
delivery in the two Municipalities of Zamboanga Sibugay Province. Total count was used
in choosing the respondents. A total of 191 respondents were included in the study, where
98 respondents belong to the experimental group and 93 respondents to the control
group. The interventional instrument used in this study was couple counseling with birth
plan. A survey questionnaire was used to gather the following data: personal data, OB
scores, place of delivery, distance of house from the birthing facility, mode of
transportation, birth attendant, complications, prenatal, and who decides the place of
delivery. In determining the significant difference and effect of the intervention in the two
groups, descriptive statistics and McNemar Test was used to analyze the data. The
findings revealed that there were a higher number of pregnant women who delivered at
facility based institution in the experimental group than in the control group.
Furthermore, there was a significant difference in the utilization of facility based delivery
in the experimental group than in the control group with a p value of 0.030. Therefore,
concludes that couple counseling with birth plan is more effective than birth plan alone
in the utilization of facility based delivery in two Municipalities of Zamboanga Sibugay
Province. Recommendations: birth plan with couple counseling should be incorporated
in the prenatal visits and started as early as the first trimester; midwife should be well
trained regarding birth plan and couple counseling and work together with the couples to
address the misconceptions and concerns; additional studies can also be made regarding
factors affecting the place of delivery such as demographic data, parity, availability of
resources, husband involvement, reasons behind home delivery, childbirth experience,
control, and fulfillment of their childbirth expectation.
Keyword: couple counselling facility based delivery diplahan |