This study intended to establish the outcome of DOH’s Unang Yakap Lecture as an
interventional tool in increasing the knowledge and practices of Nurses and Midwives on the
Essential Newborn Care in selected municipalities in Zamboanga Sibugay. The research was
conducted at the Rural Health Units’ Lying-in facilities of Siay, Kabasalan, and Ipil, Zamboanga
Sibugay where a total of 42 Nurses and Midwives were directly involve in handling maternal
deliveries. The research is a quantitative, pre and post interventional study utilizing EINC
lecture with nurses and midwives as study participants. The DOH’s standard EINC training
questionnaires and evaluation checklist was employed enabling the assessment and analysis of
respondent’s knowledge and practices. Each respondent was assessed through direct
observation on handling maternal deliveries and patient interview on performing newborn care.
Out of 42 respondents, 33 were evaluated in which 30 of them passed and improved their
practices in terms of performing the four essential core steps of EINC. Data examination applied
through Paired T-test and Mc Nemar Analysis to evaluate improvements in knowledge and
practices. Apparent increases on the results in knowledge showed mean scores in pre test, post
test 1, and pot test 2 of 6.79, 8.71, and 9.67 respectively. It is concluded that the Lecture on
EINC as an intervention was effective in improving the knowledge and practices of respondents
in this study.
Keyword: Unang Yakap lecture Essential Newborn Care maternal and child health siay |