Having access to potable drinking water is vital for every community.
However, based on water analysis tests done in Barangay Siloh, all water sources have shown to
be positive for Coliform microorganisms and is unsafe for drinking. Survey done in the area shows
that some of the residents do not practice the correct method of water disinfection. Thus, it is
important to introduce water disinfection promotion in the area.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the effectiveness of promotion of the different methods of water
purification on its utilization among selected households of Barangay Siloh, Siay, Zamboanga
Sibugay Province.
METHODS: The study utilizes a descriptive type. Residents in Barangay Siloh were selected via
convenience sampling. A lecture demonstration with taste testing was done on the different
methods of water disinfection. This was followed by provision of 1-week free trial samples of
Hyposol and SODIS. A post-intervention survey was done 1 month after the lecture demonstration.
A second post-intervention survey followed another month after.
RESULTS: A total of 100 respondents were included in the study. All of the respondents agree to
the need to disinfect their drinking water. Ninety six percent disinfect their drinking water. Sixty
percent say that they learn to disinfect their water from a health personnel. Throughout all
intervention phases, Boiling is the method chosen by most respondents compared to Hyposol and
SODIS. This was shown by an increase from 66% in the pre-intervention to 82% in the post-intervention II. There was a drop in the use of Boiling to 57% due to the increase in Hyposol use
by 23% in the Post-Intervention I. Hyposol initially showed an increase in its use in the post-intervention I. However, after the 1-week free trial sample of it was used up, Hyposol use dropped
to 0 in Post-Intervention II. SODIS was left unchosen in all intervention phases. Boiling is still
chosen by most respondents in terms of being easiest to prepare, cheapest to perform, easiest to
teach others, least time consuming, and produces the best tasting water.
CONCLUSION: Boiling is still the main method of water disinfection utilized by most of the
residents in Barangay Siloh. Factors such as its ease of preparation, economy, dissemination, time
efficiency, and palatability contributed to its use. It also shows the importance of health workers
in the promotion of safe drinking water and disinfection.
Keyword: water disinfection sodis hyposol siay |