This pre and post intervention study determined the effect of lecture by a certified safety
practitioner on the knowledge, attitude, theoretical and actual practices (KAP) concerning
occupational safety and health among small scale gold miners in Barangay Guinoman, Diplahan,
Zamboanga Sibugay Province. Total Count sampling was utilized to recruit the 43 respondents for
this study. The baseline knowledge, attitude and theoretical practices were evaluated using a self-administered questionnaire prior to the intervention. Two post-tests were given using the same
questionnaire, one week and one month after the intervention. Actual practices, on the other hand,
were evaluated using a checklist prior to the intervention. Three post-tests were given using the
same checklist, one week, one month and two months after the intervention. ANOVA for repeated
measures was used to determine improvement in knowledge and retention. The findings showed a
significant increase in mean knowledge score from the pre-intervention score (19.233) to the post-intervention 1 score (24.744) with a P-value of 0.000. However, a significant decrease was noted
in the mean score at post-intervention 2 (22.186) with a P-value of 0.000. The respondents’ attitude
was also analyzed using ANOVA for repeated measures. Majority of the items showed marked
improvement after intervention assessment with statistically significant P-values (P<0.05). These
were categories on attitude about the harmful effects of surface mining to health and the welfare
of miners, on attitude regarding the duties of miners and mine operators, on attitude regarding
hazard recognition and avoidance and the attitude on the important use of protective equipment.
Wilcoxon Signed Ranked Test was used to compare changes between groups and Friedman’s 2 –
way ANOVA were used to compare changes among groups in theoretical practices. Results
revealed that most miners had statistically significant improvement with significant P-values
(P<0.05) on practice statements about health related risk in mining, hygiene and use of protective
equipment. The actual practices were analyzed using McNemar’s test. The results revealed
significant improvement on the actual practices of the respondents with significant P-values
(<0.05). This study concludes that lecture by a certified safety practitioner on occupational safety
and health is an effective form of intervention in improving the knowledge of respondents
immediately after intervention, although decay was noted a month later. The study also concludes
that the intervention was effective in improving the attitude, theoretical and actual practices of
small scale gold miners in Barangay Guinoman, Diplahan, Zamboanga Sibugay Province.
Keyword: occupational safety small scale miners diplahan |