Barangay Guinoman has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in all 22 barangays
in Diplahan, Zamboanga Sibugay. During the preintervention survey conducted during
this study, 21 out of 82 students in Guinoman National High School has experience
sexual relationship. The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of abstinence-only education using True Love Waits on the knowledge and attitude of Christian High
School Students on premarital sex in Guinoman National High School. This was
conducted to 59 respondents between ages 14-19 with a pre-intervention survey done on
September of 2013. A one-day seminar on True Love Waits was given to the participants
wherein they have undergone series of lectures and activities, and at the end of the
seminar, the participants were given purity rings as a sign of their promise to abstain
from sex outside wedlock. A week after intervention, a posttest was given to reassess the
respondents’ knowledge and attitude on premarital sex. Posttest 2 was given a month
after the intervention, and posttest 3 was conducted 3 months after the intervention.
There are 5 knowledge questions answerable by True or False and McNemars Test was
used in analyzing the results. Items 1 and 3 show a significant decrease in the knowledge
of students comparing pretest to posttest 1. Items 2, 4, 5 show an increase in the
knowledge, however, the increase is deemed statistically insignificant. Overall,
comparing the results of pretest to posttest 3, there is no significant change in the number
of students who got the correct answer in all of the items on knowledge. As for attitude,
the questionnaire was composed of 16 statements, using likert scale, which are
answerable by: strongly disagree, disagree, undecided, agree and strongly disagree.
Paired T-Test was used in analyzing the results. The Total Mean Attitude Scores of the
respondents show that from the pretest mean of 58.9322, it has a significant increase of
0.000, with a p-value of 0.005, in posttest 1 which is 64.6610. Results also show that
there was a gradual decrease in the Total Mean Attitude Score from posttest 1 to posttest
3, however, deemed to be insignificant. Nonetheless, the results of posttest 3 and pretest
still show a significant difference of 0.001 from 58.9322 in the pretest to 63.1525 in the
posttest 3. The researcher thereby concludes that True Love Waits does not have an effect
in the knowledge, nevertheless, it is effective in changing the attitude of the Christian
High School students in Barangay Guinoman, Diplahan Zamboanga Sibugay. To those
who wish to follow the same study, the researcher recommends the following: (1)
decrease the number of respondents for a more focused discussion; and (2) conduct a
comparative study on the effects of True Love Waits in female and in male respondents.
Keyword: premarital sex teenage pregnancy diplahan |