This study aimed to determine the effect of Lecture versus Comics on the
knowledge, attitude and acceptance of nonpracticing couples on Family Planning. There
were a total of 158 individuals who were included in this study. The lecture group was
from Barangay Gaulan while the comic group was from Barangay San Jose. The lecture
group had 78 respondents while the comics group had 80 respondents. The study used a
questionnaire to determine the knowledge, attitude and acceptance of the respondents
before and after intervention. Results have showed that there was an increase in the
knowledge for both groups after the intervention. However, when compared with each
other, results showed that there is significant difference as to their knowledge at post 1
and at two months after the intervention there was knowledge decay among both groups.
Lecture remains as the most effective in increasing the knowledge of the respondents. For
the attitude, in comparing both groups, both intervention did not change the attitude of
the respondents. More so, as for the acceptance the researcher monitored the Barangay
Health record for those respondents who accepted and utilized family planning methods.
10 respondents among lecture group accepted and utilized family planning method after
the intervention, while 7 acceptors were gathered among the comics group. Therefore,
the researcher concludes that both interventions is effective in improving the knowledge
of the respondents towards family planning, however they did not have an effect on the
attitude of the respondents. The lecture is more effective than comics in improving the
acceptance on family planning.
Keyword: family planning health teaching health education diplahan |