This pre and post interventional study was conducted in Barangays Natan and
Sampoli in Diplahan, Zamboanga Sibugay. This aimed to determine the effects of lecture
demonstration plus a job aid against lecture demonstration alone on proper ORS
preparation, proper hand washing technique and improving the knowledge among mothers
regarding home management of acute diarrhea in children 5 years and below. A total of
90 mothers were selected as respondents; 45 from Natan, served as the lecture
demonstration plus job aid group and 45 from Sampoli, served as the group on lecture
demonstration alone. The knowledge was assessed through questionnaires while practices
(hand washing and home-made oresol preparation) were assessed using checklists during
return demonstrations. Data for knowledge was analyzed using paired t test and
Independent Sample T-test, while practices were analyzed using McNemar and ChiSquare.
Results showed that both groups had significant increase in knowledge and improvement
in practices in post-intervention 1. After 2 months, the decline in knowledge and correct
practices was not statistically significant between the two groups; except for the hand
washing where lecture demo plus job aid was more effective in sustaining the proper
technique. Corrective feedback was applied after post-intervention 2. Five (5) months after
the intervention, the practices were reassessed which showed no significant difference
between the two groups. In general, the result of the study showed that the lecture
demonstration plus job aid and lecture demonstration alone had no significant difference
in increasing the knowledge of mothers as well as improving the skill on preparation of
home-made oresol. However, lecture demonstration plus job aid was more effective in
retaining the proper hand washing practices among mothers.
Keyword: acute diarrhea health teachings diplahan |