This is a pre and post intervention study that aimed to determine the Effect of
Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) as Health Educators in increasing the knowledge and
improving the Blood Pressure (BP) monitoring compliance among Hypertensive
individuals in 3 selected barangays of Diplahan, Zamboanga Sibugay Province. A total
of 62 respondents were recruited for the study using Convenience Sampling. Forty five
(45) of the respondents were categorized as having Stage II hypertension while 17 were
in Stage I. Baseline Knowledge of the respondents was determined using a 20-item self -administered questionnaire prior to the intervention. This same questionnaire was used
for post evaluation done immediately after, 1 week, 1, 2 and 3 months from the
intervention. Compliance to BP monitoring was documented weekly when the
respondents came to the barangay health stations for consultation. ANOVA for repeated
measures was utilized to analyze the data on knowledge while a measure of central
tendencies was used for the BP compliance. The results revealed that there was a
significant increase in the knowledge from a mean score of 12.6290 during pre-intervention to 14.1452 right after, 14.1774 1 week after, 13.7419 1 month after, 15.5484
2 months after, and 15.6935 3 months after. For BP monitoring compliance, 22.58% of
the respondents completed the prescribed once a week visit for a 12-week period. This
study therefore concludes that BHWs as Health Educators are effective in increasing the
knowledge and improving the BP monitoring compliance among hypertensive individuals
in the three selected barangays.
Keyword: Blood pressure monitoring hypertension BHW diplahan |