This study aims to determine the effect of Active Case Finding (ACF) on the 2-Sputum Collection of TB Symptomatics in Barangay Gaulan, Diplahan Zamboanga
Sibugay Province. ACF is a special effort to detect TB patients among people who do not
seek care for TB symptoms. This was implemented to increase 2-Sputum Collection
through house-to-house visits, a short education on TB, pamphlet distribution and advice
for 2-sputum collection.
The study ran for 8 months and a data sheet for tabulation of the collected data of
the TB symptomatics throughout the duration of the study was utilized. TB Symptomatics
were initially referred to the researcher by the BHW’s and these were further evaluated
making sure that only new TB cases are included in the study.
A total of 35 TB Symptomatics were referred by the BHW and out of the said
number, 21 were advised for Sputum Collection after further evaluation. Of the 21
respondents, 19 or 90% of which provided 2-Sputum Collection with only 1 refusal, due
to fear of treatments harmful side-effects, and 1 drop-out.
This process of reaching out is believed to be the most effective and efficient way
to properly screen, diagnose and treat Active TB patients as the researcher or the BHW
collects sputum from TB Symptomatics at their residence bringing the patient a sense of
comfort and security thereby making the patient more agreeable to be examined and
thereby lessening the incidence of disease and spread of infection in the community.
Keyword: 2-Sputum collection tubercolosis diplahan |