This study was conducted to determine the effect of lecture on the knowledge of parents and class advisers regarding behavioral problems among 11-17 year old high school students in the two National High Schools in the Municipality of Diplahan.
Specifically, this research intended to determine the prevalence of behavioral problems
of 11-17 year old high school students in the selected schools and determine and
compare the knowledge of parents and teachers of students with behavioral problems.
Since there is no existing data on the prevalence of behavioral problems in the
municipality, a tool was used called the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ).
Through the SDQ, class adivsers of the 2 High Schools identified 233 or 23% of
adolescents with behavioral problems out of a total population of 1022.
Lectures were given to the parents and teachers. The lecture for the parents was
about basic parenting and for the teachers, classroom management of student
misbehavior. All the class advisers attended but out of the 233 parents who were invited
to join the lecture, only 63 appeared. A pretest was given before the lecture and a
posttest right after. Another posttest was given two months after the lecture. Results of the
pretest shows that the parents had decreased knowledge on parenting styles and the
teachers had decreased knowledge on emotional problem. Statistical analysis shows a
significant improvement in both parents and teachers from the pretest to posttest1 with a
p-value of .000 and .000 respectively and from the pretest to posttest2 with a p-value of
.000 and .000 respectively.
Keyword: health education behavioral problems diplahan |