This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of a lecture regarding salt and
hypertension on the knowledge and salt intake of pre-hypertensive residents in Barangay
Paradise, Diplahan ,Zamboanga Sibugay Province. The study used a pre and post
interventional design by utilizing lecture discussion as the method of instruction. There
were a total of 39 respondents involved in the study, all selected through purposive
sampling. All 39 respondents were identified pre-hypertensive individuals, according to
Joint National Committee 7. A self-administered questionnaire containing 22 items
answerable by “Trueâ€, “False†and “I Don’t Know†was used to assess knowledge before
and after the intervention. A 3-day food diary was utilized to assess salt intake of the
respondents before and after intervention. This study employed ANOVA for repeated
measures to determine p-value for knowledge and Paired T-test for salt intake.
Results revealed a statistically significant improvement in mean knowledge scores
from 13.74 before the intervention to 18.92 immediately after the intervention, with a p
value of .000. Retention of knowledge was attained as evidenced by insignificant change in
mean knowledge score immediately after and 1 month after the intervention. Furthermore,
salt intake was analyzed through Paired T-test showing a statistically significant decrease
in mean sodium levels of the respondents from 5654.85mg to 4261.44mg with a p-value of
.001. This is however still higher than the recommended daily sodium intake for Filipinos
of 2,400mg per day. The study concludes that the lecture increased the knowledge and
lowered the salt intake of the pre-hypertensive residents but not at the recommended level.
Keyword: health teachings hypertension pre-hypertensive diplahan |