This is a pre- and post-interventional study which aims to determine the effect of
actual demonstration with return demonstration versus “Anti-BAC Program†on hand
washing practices of grade 1 pupils of two selected elementary schools in Diplahan,
Zamboanga Sibugay Province. The respondents were selected on a total count basis
where a total of 82 grade 1 pupils were included. 42 pupils were included in the
demonstration group and 40 pupils were in the Anti-BAC group. A 7-item checklist on
proper steps of hand washing was utilized as a tool for evaluation. Failure to perform
any of the entries in the checklist will merit a rating of fail. All the respondents from the
two groups failed in the pre-intervention evaluation. After the intervention, 100% of the
respondents from both groups achieved a rating of pass in all the post-intervention
evaluations conducted at 1 week and 1 month from intervention. Statistical treatment of
the collected data using the McNemar’s test yielded to a p-value of 0.000. This high
significance value was the basis for rejecting the study’s null hypothesis. In conclusion,
both interventions utilized in this study are equally effective.
Keyword: health teachings anit-BAC hand washing diplahan |