This is a prospective cohort study that aimed to determine the effect of training a
BHW as sputum smearer with information dissemination campaign on the two sputum
submission. The research was done in Barangay Pilar, Diplahan, Zamboanga Sibugay. A
BHW was trained as a sputum smearer, and then an information dissemination campaign
was done to inform the community of the availability of the smearer and the basic facts on
Tuberculosis. This was done through distribution of pamphlets and in lectures done in
general assemblies where 94% of the households were in attendance. A total of 20
respondents were identified through passive case finding. All respondents were TB
Symptomatic and were advised to submit two sputum samples for smearing. As a result 15
(75%) completed the two sputum submission requirement. It is therefore recommended for
future researches that a more systematic way of information dissemination and case
finding will be implemented stressing points on the benefits of early detection. In general,
the result of the study showed that the providing a trained smearer and doing an
information dissemination campaign were effective in increasing number of TB
Symptomatics who completed the two sputum submission. More importantly, the
intervention had caused significant change in the health seeking behavior of the patients.
Keyword: sputum smearer two-sputum submission tubercolosis diplahan |