This is a pre and post interventional study to determine the effect of health education intervention on sanitation practices among residents in Barangay Taluksangay, Zamboanga City. A 16-item checklist was used to monitor their practices on open field defecation, types of toilets and toilet condition before and after the intervention. Practices were evaluated 3 times on a weekly interval using the same checklist. There were 400 respondents surveyed and invited for the intervention, however only 100 were present during the intervention. Out of 400 respondents surveyed, 240 or 60% do not own a toilet. The mangrove area served as defecation grounds for eighty four (35%) residents without toilets. The use of “shame and disgust†triggering activities such as the walk of shame proved to be effective in reinforcing motivation for behavioural change in reducing open field defecation practices. A significant decrease on the number of respondents who defecated in mangrove area was seen 2 weeks (p-value=0.007) and continue to decrease significantly 3weeks after (p-value =0.007). The practice of throwing diapers with feces decreased significantly a week after the intervention and continue to decrease significantly for three weeks straight (p-value =0.000). Overall, health education intervention brought a reduction on the practice of open field defecation. In terms of presence of toilet, there was an improvement towards construction of sanitary latrines from 0 to 2% two weeks after the intervention. There was a continuous improvement showing 1% increase in building sanitary toilet a week after. In terms of condition of toilet, an increase from 1% to 6% on the number of respondents who owned a good toilet condition was seen a week after. Given the limited time of follow up, it can still be concluded that health education intervention on sanitation practices in Barangay Taluksangay was effective in reducing open field defecation practices, building of sanitary latrine, and improving the condition of toilet facility.
Keyword: Waste management |